Using Secure Browser for Online Examinations and Assessments

The right education assessment tools from GamaLearn ensure that your assessments are delivered safely, securely and with no compromise on quality using secure web browsers. We support academic integrity and empower you to produce fair & accurate results through secure assessments. The secure exam browser locks the system and takes access to all its functions, websites and applications to prevent any kind of fraudulent activities during online exams. The candidates are not able to open any other tab or window for cheating purposes once the exam begins. 

GamaLearn works in a secure browser that prevents following types of online exam screen cheating:

• Screen sharing

• Auto coding software

• Navigation and browsing 

• Keyboard shortcuts

• Use of external devices/ hard drives/USB

The secure exam browser rules out all the unfair means that can be used by candidates in an online exam. Allowing access to only specific websites or pages, the secure web browser builds a secure environment for both taking exams and conducting assessments. Furthermore, using secure browsers for online examinations is a fool-proof method of preventing the candidates from cheating online using their computer systems. Reach out to GamaLearn if you are looking for secure education assessment tools to prevent frauds and cheatings.